Rabu, 10 Januari 2018


RepuX is a protocol-level framework where unchanged data types can be communicated and exchanged between various companies and individual users. Incorporates some of the leading decentralized technologies such as IPFS, Sia and Ethereal / EOS, along with increasing the likelihood of directly block-to-through. By high and creating value and transferring data directly between peers using protocols, RepuX allows the possibility to share data creation for individual and corporate users and aggregate data, which is not on the market today. This direct and immediate transfer of value via REPUX tokens will enable value creation for data creators, including individuals and thereby eliminating the need for intermediaries and intermediaries in some industries. Visit resminyahttps: //repux.io/


"Big Data", because the data industry is known collectively, has encountered many problems in the past year so the data reader runs correctly. The reason is simple. Traditional "brick and mortar" business operations do not allow statistical readings to be processed and used efficiently. By simply using paper as a printed reading data source, the cost to manually create "numbers" will be astronomical. And even with the usual old-fashioned Internet usage, the cost to process and understand data in a "modern half way" way is still more than just a justifiable profit potential. Simply put, businesses can not legitimize the cost of reading "prospecting" data.
But now, through the emergence of the Internet and decentralization, Peer-to-Peer technology, these concerns are the past. Large amounts of business data, statistical events, and general records can be transferred as quickly as lightning and processed automatically by machines trained by AI. And this machine is armed with all the latest AI learning program data.
AI learning machine and train engine to automatically protect themselves from making a "beginner" business mistake. Repux is set to move a new business past what could be wrong, and immediately do the right thing, for the first time. Big profits and higher success rates are now easily available thanks to Rupex and Blockchain. This is a new era of productivity, money savings, and business expansion capabilities, and everyone is welcome!

Vision and goal of RepuX
As a RepuX, we have a vision that enhances the reputation of data security and reputation. By creating secure protocols among users who generate, collect, and use data, it will bring new breath to the requirements and data transfer system. This is to greatly benefit your business. Thanks to the protocol we created, thanks to the RepuX token, data manufacturers can easily access this data to end users and app users.
Token RepuX can be used as a tool in various transactions in various industries and can be used for purchase or exchange of goods and services. As the reputation and usage of the RepuX protocols increases, the value of coins increases and added value is added to it.

RepuX troubleshooting analysis
The problem is that companies dealing with advanced technology store huge amounts of data in the system, and some issues arise in the process of usage and transfer processes. This issue causes serious loss of time and expense for the company.

With the RepuX protocol, data exchange between various companies and users can be easily achieved and money left in your pocket. By combining multiple distributed technologies with a single protocol, you can integrate efficient and cost-free block chains and build complete data and market share transfers.

Token REPUX is a trading medium that is on the market and ONLY to handle the platform.
Token sales are programmed as follows:
Start date: February 6, 2018 / 17h UTC
End date: March 9, 2018 / 5:00 UTC
REPUX Token Game. The initial selling price will be 0.20 USD for 1 REPUX. Once the REPUX Token sale expires on March 9, 2018, the market will determine the value of the REPUX token.

With our experienced and entrepreneurial team with years of experience, it is not difficult to understand the success of our project. You can get detailed information on the careers of staff and consultants by using the links below. Team RepuX

1 - Marcin Welner
2 - Aleksandra Staszewska
3 - Tomasz Tybon
4 - Daniel Kmak
5 - Przemysław Kocznur
6 - Krzysztof Durałek
7 - Dawid Rashid
8 Terrace Bazshyn
9 - RafałKsiążek
10 - Damian Babula
11 - Pierre Benezech

More info
Technical documentation : https://repux.io/white-paper.html
Twitter : https://twitter.com/repu_x
Facebook : https://web.facebook.com/RepuX-415260768888793/?_rdc=1&_rdr
Telegram : https://t.me/repuxicoEN
Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/RepuX/
Blog : https://blog.repux.io/
Ann Tread BTT : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2613666.new

Author : catur123
Profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1752399
Eth : 0x6b85eA6ed28A887798D75DE9c4Db61479422C9E9

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